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August 1, 2022

How Leaked Twitter API Keys Can be Used to Build a Bot Army

CloudSEK’s Attack Surface Monitoring Platform, uncovered 3207 apps, leaking Twitter API keys, that can be utilized to gain access to or to take over Twitter accounts.

CloudSEK Attack Surface Monitoring Platform discovered that 3207 apps were leaking valid Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. 230 apps, some of which are unicorns, were leaking all 4 Auth Creds and can be used to fully take over their Twitter Accounts to perform critical/sensitive actions such as:

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How Leaked Twitter API Keys Can be Used to Build a Bot Army

CloudSEK’s Attack Surface Monitoring Platform, uncovered 3207 apps, leaking Twitter API keys, that can be utilized to gain access to or to take over Twitter accounts.

CloudSEK’s Attack Surface Monitoring Platform, uncovered 3207 apps, leaking Twitter API keys, that can be utilized to gain access to or to take over Twitter accounts.

CloudSEK Attack Surface Monitoring Platform discovered that 3207 apps were leaking valid Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. 230 apps, some of which are unicorns, were leaking all 4 Auth Creds and can be used to fully take over their Twitter Accounts to perform critical/sensitive actions such as:

  • Read Direct Messages
  • Retweet
  • Like
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  • Remove followers
  • Follow any account
  • Get account settings
  • Change display picture

Media Mentions

This report was mentioned in some of the leading media houses.