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October 18, 2021

Abysmal State of Global Critical Infrastructure Security

In the past year, there has been a considerable increase in cyber attacks targeting critical infrastructure systems across the world, with a recent survey highlighting that over 90% of organizations that use operational technology (OT) systems have experienced some sort of cyber incident in the past year. These attacks have ranged from the malware induced power outage in Mumbai to the ransomware attack on the Colonial oil pipeline. More recently, a nation-state actor targeted the port of Houston by exploiting a zero-day in a Zoho user authentication device.

Owing to an increase in remote work and online businesses, most cybersecurity efforts have been focused on IT security. However, the recent OT attacks have been a timely reminder of why traditional industries and critical infrastructure need renewed attention, given that they form the bedrock of our societies and our economies.

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Abysmal State of Global Critical Infrastructure Security

In the past year, there has been a considerable increase in cyber attacks targeting critical infrastructure systems across the world, with a recent survey highlighting that over 90% of organizations that use operational technology (OT) systems have experienced some sort of cyber incident in the past year.

In the past year, there has been a considerable increase in cyber attacks targeting critical infrastructure systems across the world, with a recent survey highlighting that over 90% of organizations that use operational technology (OT) systems have experienced some sort of cyber incident in the past year. These attacks have ranged from the malware induced power outage in Mumbai to the ransomware attack on the Colonial oil pipeline. More recently, a nation-state actor targeted the port of Houston by exploiting a zero-day in a Zoho user authentication device.

Owing to an increase in remote work and online businesses, most cybersecurity efforts have been focused on IT security. However, the recent OT attacks have been a timely reminder of why traditional industries and critical infrastructure need renewed attention, given that they form the bedrock of our societies and our economies.