Quantify Cyber Threats: How to Prioritize and Assess the Business Impact of Digital Risks

At CloudSEK, we build technologies that predict cyber threats. Today, we are excited to extend our platform to cover financial and business risk in addition to threat prediction, thus making us the first cyber intelligence company to offer risk quantification. 

Financial Impact of Cyber Attacks

The impact of a cyberattack can be devastating for any business. Apart from the direct financial losses incurred due to data theft or operational disruption, the damage to a business's reputation and loss of customers can have long-term consequences. Cybersecurity teams often face difficulty in communicating this risk to their leadership board, and without proper quantification, it becomes challenging for CISOs to speak the language of business.

Introducing an improvement to our platform code named Nexus. Nexus allows security teams to understand financial impact by helping them answer questions like 

  • How likely are we to experience a cyberattack?
  • What types of threats pose the greatest risk to our organization?
  • What could be the financial impact of a security breach?
  • What are the top 5 incidents that I need to address to make sure that I do not have a data breach?
  • What is the likelihood that my organization will face a ransomware attack?

CloudSEK Nexus

Introducing Nexus an upgrade to our revolutionary platform designed to transform the way businesses assess and manage their cyber risk. Nexus predicts cyber threats and their potential financial and business impact on a company, by amalgamating data from diverse sources such as the Dark Web, Deep Web, Brand Monitoring, Data Leak Monitoring, Attack Surface Monitoring, and Supply Chain Intelligence. The aim is to provide companies with contextual intelligence and help proactively detect and neutralize potential cyber risks.

Multiple Ways to Interact with Your Risk Landscape

Nexus offers two intuitive ways to interact with your cybersecurity assessment:

  • Nexus Web: Access the dashboard from any device with a web browser and explore a user-friendly interface designed for easy navigation and comprehensive data investigation.
  • Immersive Mixed Reality App: Take your risk assessment to the next level with our cutting-edge mixed reality app. Visualize your threat landscape in Augmented Reality (AR) environment, interact with data in a whole new way, and gain a deeper understanding of your vulnerabilities.

The Power Behind the Numbers: Unveiling the Calculation Engine

The core of Nexus’ strength lies in its powerful calculation framework.  This framework is designed to deliver a financially relevant picture of your cybersecurity risks by considering a multitude of factors, including:

  • Evolving Threat Landscape: We continuously update our platform to reflect the latest cyber threats and attack methods. Your assessment remains relevant in the face of constant change.
  • Organizational Vulnerability: Nexus takes a deep dive into your specific security posture, identifying weaknesses and misconfigurations that attackers could exploit. This level of granularity allows for highly targeted risk mitigation strategies.
  • Potential Business Impacts: We translate security incidents like data breaches and ransomware attacks into tangible financial consequences for your organization. 
  • Industry Benchmarks: Our platform leverages industry-specific data to provide comparative insights. See how your cybersecurity risk profile stacks up against others in your field and identify areas for improvement.

Beyond the Checkbox: A Data-Driven Revolution

Nexus goes beyond the limitations of traditional risk assessments. Our platform offers a data-driven, financially relevant approach that empowers:

  • Enhanced Prioritization with Quantified Risk: Nexus leverages a sophisticated calculation methodology (explained in detail later) to translate cyber threats into real dollar figures
  • Proactive Threat Detection by unmasking hidden vulnerabilities: Gain granular insights into your specific threat landscape and identify the weaknesses that are most likely to be exploited by attackers
  • Real-World context by adapting to the evolving threat landscape: Cyber threats are constantly evolving, and attackers are always looking for new ways to exploit vulnerabilities. By incorporating this contextual element, Nexus provides a more accurate and actionable assessment of your cybersecurity risks. You can prioritize your defenses based on real-world threats, not just theoretical possibilities.
  • Customizing Nexus for a Precise Risk Landscape: Nexus goes beyond a one-size-fits-all approach, by empowering you to tailor the platform to your organization's specific context and assets, ensuring a highly relevant and actionable risk assessment. This customization is achieved through a combination of pre-defined rules and customer-defined adjustments. 

Taking Control with Nexus: From Reactive to Proactive

By combining these elements, Nexus delivers a comprehensive and actionable assessment, empowering you to move from a reactive to a proactive cybersecurity posture. The digital age presents incredible opportunities, but it also comes with inherent risks.  Cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving, and traditional risk assessments often fail to provide a clear picture of an organization's vulnerability.

Nexus is your key to navigating this complex landscape. It empowers you with the knowledge and insights needed to make informed decisions about your cybersecurity posture. Don't wait for a cyberattack to understand your risks.

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